Bone +
Support your skeleton

Bone + is a preferred formula that supports the skeletal system with a combination of adequate doses of both calcium and D3 , also it comes with a form of effervescent tablets to enhance a better absorption and a flavored test to make its usage applicable .
*Bone + Active ingredients
Calcium 1000 mg + vitamin D3 800 IU

Vitamin D Blocks the release of parathyroid hormone, so it will lead to decrease the activity of osteoclast, prevent excretion of calcium and increase calcium absorption so it will lead to enhance the absorption of the calcium which is present with it in the same tablet of Bone +.
Vitamin D and calcium also play a role in muscle function and neurotransmission.
factors that can lead to vitamin D deficiency and calcium deficiency
• Age. The skin's ability to make vitamin D lessens with age.
• Mobility. People who are homebound or are rarely outside (e.g., in nursing homes and other facilities) are not able to use sun exposure as a source of vitamin D.
• Skin color. Dark-colored skin is less able to make vitamin D than fair-colored skin.
• Malnutrition .
• Postmenaposal women
Dosage and Indications of Bone + One effervescent tablet of Bone + is designed according to daily recommended doses of Vit D and Calcium and is indicated in
3.Poor sun exposure
4.Postmenaposal women
5.Patient at risk of pathological fractures
6.As a supportive in a case of fractures
7.Dental carries and fragility